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Riva y García Financial Group > Corporate Finance > Latest business transactions > 2005 Business transactions  

2005 Business transactions

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Value (*)




Sale of a minority shareholding in CEVASA




Azkar buyback bid




Natra undertakes a capital increase of 40 million Euros

40.235.290 €



Tecnocom undertakes a capital increase of 8.3 million Euros

8.320.33,37 €


Natra Group

Natra-Zahor acquires 100% of Chocolaterie Jacali

€22.5 million



Natraceutical acquires 100% of the Braes Group

€80 million



Natraceutical undertakes a capital increase of 40 million Euros

40.062.012,25 €


Acuster, S.A.

Acuster, S.A. sells 54% of its capital



Service Point Solutions

Bonds convertible into Service Point Solutions shares

46.419.999 €

(*) Transactions carried out since 2000 not subject to confidentiality agreement


Compañía Española de Viviendas en Alquiler S.A. was founded in 1968, and was a pioneer in the private development of State Subsidised Housing for rent. It is the parent company of the Cevasa Group. Its main activity is renting properties.
The sold shareholding represents 13.48% of the capital of the Company

The role of Riva y García:
Consultant advisor to the selling shareholder

Amount of the transaction

Sale of a minority shareholding in the company

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as consultant advisor to the selling shareholder


Transportes Azkar, a transport and logistics company, has made a buyback bid on
17.21 million of its own shares, representing 35.42% of its share capital,
with a view to its exclusion from the stock market

The role of Riva y García:
Management Company and Agent

Transaction amount:

Buyback bid on 35.42% of the share capital with a view to its exclusion from the stock market

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as the Management Company and Agent


Natra has undertaken a capital increase for a cash amount of 40 million Euros in order to acquire the Belgian company, Chocolaterie Jacali.
The remaining amount of the increase will be used to improve the financial structure of the Group.

The role of Riva y García:
Management company and agent

Amount of the transaction
40,235,290 euros

Capital increase

40.235.290 €

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as the Management company and agent


Tecnocom is the clear leader in solutions for information portability. The company offers solutions to fulfil information broadcast, receipt, storage and security needs. The amount of the increase is to be used to finance the company business plan relating to Metrocall (development of a mobile phone network on the Madrid Metro) and the acquisition of small-sized companies in its sector.

The role of Riva y García:
Coordinating Company

Amount of the transaction
8,320,331.37 Euros

Capital increase

8.320.331,37 €

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as Coordinating Company


Natra-Zahor Group
This transaction represents a further step for the Natra-Zahor Group in its process of non-organic growth, begun in 2004 with the integration of Zahor, extending the group's current product range, specifically with families of products which offer increased added value and bigger margins.
This transaction will achieve a significant increase in the product range, offering the top product in the range (chocolates) from the leading producing country in the world (Belgium), with bigger margins and a production process with numerous specifications and requirements that act as a barrier to entry for other potential competitors.
Following this transaction, Natra has established itself as a well-positioned food group in its current operating sectors.

The role of Riva y García:
Financial Advisor to the Natra Group

Amount of the transaction
22.5 million Euros

NATRA acquires 100% of the shares in CHOCOLATERIE JACALI

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as the Management Company and Agent


The transaction means an advance of more than three years in Natraceutical's business plan and a significant diversification in its product and client portfolio. It represents the ideal platform for its consolidation as a European leader in the functional food sector.
The new Group has more than 350 employees, with production plants in Valencia, Switzerland (2 plants), the United Kingdom and Brazil, and facilities covering more than 250,000 m2.

The role of Riva y García:
Financial Advisor to Natraceutical

Amount of the transaction
80 million euros

NATRACEUTICAL acquires 100% of the shares in the BRAES GROUP

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as the Advisory Company, Lead Manager and Agent


Natraceutical has undertaken a capital increase for a cash amount of 40 million Euros in order to acquire Braes Holdings Limited, made up of Overseal (United Kingdom) and Obipektin (Switzerland).
The remaining amount of the sale has been financed with a 40-million Euro syndicated loan.

The role of Riva y García:
Management company and agent

Amount of the transaction
40,062,012.25 euros

Capital increase

40.062.012,25 €

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as the Management Company and Agent


Acuster is one of the main Spanish companies devoted to the manufacture and distribution of machinery and accessories for fluid piping systems
Following the sale of 54% of capital, the former leading shareholders now hold 26% of the capital whilst the other 20% remains in the hands of minority shareholders.

The role of Riva y García:
Financial Advisor to Acuster, S.A.

Amount of the transaction

ACUSTER, S.A. sells 54% of its capital.

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as Advisor to the Seller


Service Point
Service Point Solutions is one of the main multinational groups offering digital reprographics and document management services.
The company has issued a bond convertible into shares in order to refinance its bank debt and to implement a growth plan through selective operations and organic development.

The role of Riva y García:
Management Company, Agent, Coordinator and Placement Agent for the issue.

Amount of the transaction
46.419.999 €

Issue of bonds convertible into shares for an amount of €46,419,999.60

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as Management Company, Agent, Coordinator and Placement Agent for the issue