Català | Castellano | 13.02.2025
Riva y García Financial Group Corporate Finance Private equity Private Banking
Riva y García Financial Group > Corporate Finance > Latest business transactions > 2000 business transactions  

2000 business transactions

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The Valencian group Natra is increasing capital in order to finance the company's investment projects in South America

8.6 million Euros


Picking Pack Group

The Picking Pack Group acquires Logic Control

76 million Euros



Acquisition of 65% of Interempresas



Picking Pack Group

Capital increase of the Picking Pack, S.A. Group

112 million Euros


Picking Pack Group

Acquisition of Ola Internet, S.A.

150 million Euros



Acquisition of Magneti Marelli Mirrors Division

70 million Euros


Alimentos Freisa

New financial partner for Alimentos Freisa



Canal Metro

Acquisition of 25% of Canal Metro


(*) Transactions carried out since 2000 not subject to confidentiality agreement



The Valencian group Natra is increasing capital in order to finance the company's investment projects
in South America. Natra is an industrial group with
more than 50 years of history specialised in the production and marketing
of cocoa derivatives and
natural tropical vegetable extracts

The role of Riva y García:
Management company and agent for the increase in capital

Amount of the transaction
8.6 million EUROS

Natra has undertaken a capital increase in the continuous market.

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as Management Company and Agent


Picking Pack Group

The Picking Pack Group acquires Logic Control, a leading company in Spain in the
development and marketing of business software for SMEs and the
provision of related services

The role of Riva y García:
Financial advisor in the transaction

Amount of the transaction
76 million Euros

The Picking Pack Group has acquired LOGIC CONTROL

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as advisor


The Anuntis Group

The Anuntis Group, a leader in classified contents in Spain and Latin America,
and ranked third in the world, has acquired 65% of Interempresas,
a leading company in the sector of technical publications aimed at manufacturers
and distributors of all kinds of industrial machinery and products which,
also possesses the most important B2B portal in the sector which brings together
more than 140,000 companies a year.

With this transaction the Anuntis Group continues its commitment to leading companies
in classified advertisements which have their business on the Web

The role of Riva y García:
Financial Advisor to Interempresas

Amount of the transaction

The ANUNTIS GROUP has acquired a majority shareholding in the capital of INTEREMPRESAS

RIVA Y GARCÍA advised the seller


Picking Pack Group

Following the acquisition of Ola Internet, the Picking Pack Group increases capital in order to
finance the company's investment projects

The role of Riva y García:
Co-management Company and Agent for the capital increase

Amount of the transaction
112 million Euros

The PICKING PACK GROUP has undertaken a capital increase in the continuous market.

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as the Management Company and Agent


Picking Pack Group

The Picking Pack Group acquires Ola Internet, the only operator in Spain which
offers comprehensive services on 100% IP networks, with a wide range
of high-speed Internet access and telephone services with
flat rate for voice and data

The role of Riva y García:
Financial Advisor to GPP
Management Company and Agent in the share exchange transaction

Amount of the transaction
150 million Euros

The PICKING PACK GROUP has acquired 100% of OLA INTERNET by means of a share exchange.

RIVA Y GARCÍA acted as the Management Company and Agent


Ficosa International,

Ficosa International, an automotive component manufacturer, has acquired
the rear-view mirror business of the Fiat Group subsidiary, Magneti Marelli. This
transaction makes Ficosa the third-biggest car mirror manufacturer
in the world.

The role of Riva y García:
Financial advisor to Ficosa

Amount of the transaction
70 million Euros


RIVA Y GARCÍA advised the buyer


Alimentos Freisa

The company Alimentos Freisa has been bought into by AC DESARROLLO
in order to finance part of the 1.1 billion Peseta investment
in a new plant for the manufacture and marketing of a new line
of frozen pizzas

With this new plant, Alimentos Freisa will increase its production capacity by
3,000 square metres and may increase production by up to 25 million
pizzas a year

The role of Riva y García:
Financial advisor to Alimentos Freisa

Amount of the transaction

AC DESARROLLO has subscribed a capital increase in ALIMENTOS FREISA

RIVA Y GARCÍA advised the seller


Canal Metro

The company Canal Metro has been bought into by the GODO de Comunicación Group
Canal Metro manages the television channel which is currently present
on the Barcelona Metro line

The role of Riva y García:
Financial advisor to Canal Metro

Amount of the transaction

The GODO COMUNICACIÓN GROUP has acquired a minority shareholding in CANAL METRO

RIVA Y GARCÍA advised the seller